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Stand in Solidarity with IFPTE to Stop Privatization of the NJ Turnpike

For over two years, workers on the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway have sacrificed and fought to keep their jobs. Their battle against privatization has resulted in annual pay reductions of approximately $15,000 to $20,000 per worker, essentially turning family-sustaining middle class jobs into low-income ones.

You can support these workers by e-mailing a message to the NJ Turnpike Authority’s Chairman and Commissioners opposing privatization. Please CLICK HERE to take action.

The assumption that privatization is guaranteed to save money is hardly accurate. In fact, privatization can actually raise costs, and in the case of any savings being achieved, this would likely be to enhance profits for the company itself rather than the Turnpike, motorists, or workers. Additionally, job loss and low wages that result from privatization come at a great cost to families, communities, and increase reliance on taxpayer-funded assistance.

The ability to make a living wage after a career’s worth of work is something that should be encouraged in our economy not attacked. Therefore, we must join together to oppose privatization and a race to the bottom for workers. We look forward to your support.

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