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VIDEO: Strong Unions Build Strong Communities


Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. understands that the fight for strong communities and the battle for workers’ rights are one in the same. Without family-sustaining jobs and a collective voice for workers, the ability for communities to thrive is greatly diminished.

Therefore, the impending U.S. Supreme Court case, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, which threatens to undermine workers and their unions, must be addressed head-on by our coalition. We recently produced a video, outlining the effects of this case that we encourage you to share with your family, friends, and neighbors.

While there is no way to directly influence the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, our best defense in the face of the Friedrichs case is to raise public awareness and stand strong with our union allies. Wealthy interest groups spend millions of dollars every year on attacking unions. We must send a strong message that workers and our communities stand together in solidarity and that an attack on unions is an attack the livelihood of our communities.

Once again, please be sure to share this video on Facebook to safeguard the voice of working people who build our communities and champion a higher standard of living for all.

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