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WFUNJ Assists Over 50 Aspiring Americans on the Road to U.S. Citizenship in Newark Last Saturday

May_17th_Citizenship_(8).JPGWorking Families United for New Jersey, Inc. was proud to partner over the weekend with the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) which organized a comprehensive citizenship clinic on Saturday, May 17th at the Rutgers School of Law in Newark, providing no-cost services to individuals and families applying for U.S. citizenship. The event provided an opportunity for at least 50 people to receive guidance and assistance with their citizenship applications – a process that can be both daunting and intimidating if approached alone.

Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. is committed to supporting the process of applying for U.S. citizenship and launched its own campaign last month called “One Pathway, Many Voices, Stronger Communities”. The purpose of this campaign is simple: we help aspiring Americans realize their own dreams of U.S. citizenship and engage them in our civic process to build stronger communities for the benefit of all. To learn more about the “One Pathway, Many Voices, Stronger Communities” campaign, visit our YouTube channel which has several short clips from our first citizenship clinic on April 26th.

In New Jersey, there are about 390,000 legal permanent residents eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship. By helping these New Americans achieve U.S. citizenship and exercise their voice through the democratic process, our communities will become that much stronger as a result.

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