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WFUNJ Joins with Senator Lesniak and Progressive Partners to Support a “Clear Pathway to Citizenship”


Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. took part in a press conference today with Senator Raymond Lesniak (D-Elizabeth), and various progressive partners to mobilize community members in support of comprehensive immigration reform.

Our goal is to send at least 100,000 messages to New Jersey’s Congressional Delegation, urging them to pressure Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner to allow a vote on comprehensive and humane immigration reform with a clear path to citizenship for those seeking it.  CLICK HERE to sign the petition now.

No matter what side of the aisle we stand on, we can all agree that reform of our broken immigration system is imperative. Doing so would greatly benefit our economy, bolster our tax base, help level the playing field for workers, and ensure more enforceable and humane immigration policies.

It has been more than 17 months since the Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill with bipartisan support. Further delay is simply not an option. There is no question that the vast majority of Americans believe in reform. This is our chance to get a message to the House of Representatives Republican leadership that it needs to follow through on immigration reform once and for all. Do your part and sign the petition today.

Furthermore, if you or someone you know is a legal permanent resident interested in becoming a U.S. citizen, or a New American seeking to find out if they are eligible for relief programs under President Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration, be sure to visit www.WeAreOneNJ.org. WFUNJ is a proud sponsor of We Are One New Jersey, which is dedicated to providing members of our communities with the resources and guidance necessary to become U.S. citizens.

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