TRENTON – Today, Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. announced that Edward Correa, a seasoned community mobilizer and activist will join as the coalition’s new Executive Director.
“Following its successful ‘Raise the Wage’ campaign, Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. is in an incredible position to work with its many diverse coalition partners and state policy makers to continue advancing a progressive agenda for the Garden State,” stated Executive Director Edward Correa.
“I praise our coalition partners for their success and I look forward to joining them at such a critical time for New Jersey’s working families as we look towards our next campaigns, including earned sick leave, school repairs, and creating a path to citizenship, which are essential to easing some of the financial strain on working families, ensuring our communities get the most from our tax dollars, and renewing the promise of economic advancement for all hard-working families in our state,” added Correa.
Correa immigrated to the United States from Colombia in 1994, and has dedicated his career to advancing a progressive working families agenda. He has worked in a variety of leadership roles, advocating for workplace safety and health, workers’ rights, social justice, community education, and empowering New Jersey’s youth. Most recently, he served as the Executive Director of the United Labor Agency of Northern New Jersey – a non-profit organization that provides community services and education to communities in Bergen and Passaic Counties.
Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization, comprised of over 256 labor, religious, community, civil rights, student, women, and retiree groups, collectively committed to improving the quality of life for all New Jersey families through issue advocacy and participation in the democratic process.
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