This evening’s beefsteak fundraiser generated an enormous amount of support for the Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. “Raise the Wage” campaign. We are extremely grateful to our many coalition partners for their generous support to date and continued efforts to achieve approval of Ballot Question #2 on November 5th.
It was an honor and delight to be joined by keynote speakers, Senator Barbara Buono, Mayor Cory Booker, and national NOW President Terry O’Neill, who each shared their unique perspectives on the benefits of a minimum wage increase. Senator Buono, who was brought up in a union family, learned at a young age the importance of good-paying jobs and has fought tirelessly to provide equitable pay to all workers. As the Mayor of Newark, Cory Booker understands first-hand the damaging effects low wages can have on our families and how lifting wages helps our communities to grow. As a champion of social equality and women’s rights, President O’Neill recognized the importance of a minimum wage increase in New Jersey given the fact that approximately 60% of minimum wage earners in the state are women.
While there was plenty of discussion surrounding the minimum wage, this event also provided a valuable opportunity for labor and community partners to get to know one another and to bring our coalition even closer together.
Your support has delivered unbelievable value to the Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. “Raise the Wage” campaign; it has enabled us to register tens of thousands of voters across the state, to mobilize hundreds of coalition partners to spread the word about voting “Yes” on Ballot Question #2 on November 5th, to distribute thousands of informational flyers and materials throughout the community, to broadcast our message through both earned and paid media, and to develop a massive online presence through our website, Facebook page, and a series of YouTube videos to highlight the struggles of minimum wage workers.
We cannot thank you enough for all you are doing for this campaign. We look forward to building on this success, culminating with approval of Ballot Question #2 on Election Day November 5th.
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