Our coalition is currently engaged in several high stakes campaigns to bring the issues that New Jersey’s working families care about to the forefront of our public policy discussion. Two recent examples of our efforts include the launch of our coalition’s statewide earned sick days campaign and a press conference to oppose the unprecedented surge in corporate welfare and the need for businesses to pay their fair share in solving our state’s budget crisis. To check out some of the related news coverage, please continue to the bottom of this post.
We were proud of the diverse representation from our coalition partners at these events, including NOW-NJ, the Sierra Club, NJ United Students, NJ NAACP, various labor unions, and groups representing New Jersey’s Latino and Asian Pacific American communities.
During the earned sick days campaign launch we were honored to be joined by the two prime sponsors of the earned sick days bill (A-2354/S-785). Assemblywoman Pam Lampitt, the sponsor of earned sick days legislation in the State Assembly stated:
“I would like to commend Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. for launching a statewide grassroots effort in support of earned sick days. The voices represented through this coalition – including workers up and down the income scale, civil rights groups, academics, medical professionals, students, women’s groups, and many more – will demonstrate the critical and universal need for earned sick days legislation in New Jersey. This policy would ensure that all workers across our state can take a sick day without sacrificing much-needed wages or running the risk of getting fired just because they or a loved one fall ill.”
Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, the prime sponsor in the State Senate stated:
“Workers who need time off to care for themselves or a family member should not be forced to make the unfair choice between their health and a paycheck. Earned sick leave is a basic workers’ right that should be extended to all employees. It will create a healthier and safer work environment for our residents, but also will protect the health of the public. Cities across the country, and in our state, have already moved to provide earned sick leave to workers. I look forward to joining with all of the grassroots partners and all of the advocates to provide New Jersey workers with the protection they deserve.”
Once again, thank you to our many coalition partners who are fighting to advance the policies which strengthen our middle class families and reflect a balanced approach to solving our state’s fiscal challenges. We look forward to your continued support.
Press Clips from Earned Sick Days Campaign Kickoff
Press Clips from Corporate Welfare Press Conference
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