Earned Sick Days
In February 2014, Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. was asked by legislative leadership to shepherd another social economic justice campaign for working families on “Earned Sick Days”. Earned sick days is a commonsense public health initiative which would reduce the spread of illness in our communities, promote healthier more productive businesses, and allow all workers to take a sick day, without the fear of losing much needed income or worse – their jobs.
Click here to learn more about why New Jersey needs earned sick days or send a message to your legislators right now to let them know you support this law for our state.
“One Pathway, Many Voices, Stronger Communities”
In New Jersey, there are currently 390,000 legal permanent residents, who are eligible to become U.S. citizens. The “One Pathway, Many Voices, Stronger Communities” initiative will provide comprehensive guidance services to help thousands of New Jersey immigrants achieve U.S. citizenship and encourage their participation in the civic process by registering them to vote and educating them about their voting and labor rights.
To learn more about the “One Pathway, Many Voices, Stronger Communities” campaign, visit our YouTube channel which has several short clips from our first citizenship clinic on April 26th.